Friday, January 28, 2011

The Davenport Contest with the Blueline/PSH Team :)

The BlueLine / Paddle Surf Hawaii team heads north for the annual Davenport Stand Up Paddle Surf event. Filmed and Edited by Peter Trow.

BlueLine / Paddle Surf Hawaii Team - Davenport, CA. SUP Surf Event from Peter Trow on Vimeo.

Blueline/PSH Team in Columbia

The Boys at Blueline/PSH go to Columbia! Team rider Peter Trow put this together. It kicks butt!!!

Enjoy and get on a PSH!!

Blueline/PSH Team cracking it!!!

So this is me last weekend dawn patrol with my bros! Dark thirty!!!
I'd like to thank Liquid Militia (Thanks Kyla, Ryan, Shawn, and Pablo for all the support all these years LM 4life), Jim Brewer from Blueline/PSH for putting me on the team (I promise that you'll get good use out of me), and Isurus Wetsuits (Thanks Jim for keeping me H2O tight! This Hawaiian needs to keep warm!!)